Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy

A new movie poster was released for Guardians of the Galaxy. There is also a new extended trailer further into this post. The colours the graphics and the action in this movie look amazing. But we shall see what it really will be like when the movie comes out August 1st.

This poster is getting mixed emotions from people because it looks oddly like a movie poster made before. 
"It's not really a superhero film per se. It feels more like a Star Wars kind of film. And I play a kind of space cop." Chris Pratt "It's not as broad as Galaxy Quest but it's not a straightforward space fantasy like Star Wars. I think it's the sort of the best of both of those films put together...and more!"
Chris Pratt compared this movie to Star Wars, would it be too much of a coincidence that the movie posters would end up looking very similar.  

Along with the movie poster there are many pictures showing sneak peaks of what the movie characters will look like.

Here is a look at the first trailer for the movie. 

The teaser trailer

The Second Teaser trailer

The Third Teaser trailer

The Newest Trailer

If you want to see more videos of each character broken down you can go to Marvel's Youtube Channel which has a playlist of all the videos related to this upcoming movie. 
Some Background on the movie is that it is adapted from the Marvel Comic from 1969 as well as the 2008 release. 
                   1969                                                                                                            2008
              Marvel 1969                                                                                     Marvel Comics 2008-2010

This band of Criminal misfits will show that anyone who believes it can be a hero. I can't wait to see this movie. What are your thought on the movie? Was it a good idea for another marvel comic to be made into a movie. Did they keep some of the story true? 

I feel that it is going to be closer to the rebooted version of the comics than the ones from 1969. Even when you look at the pictures you can tell that the guardians of the galaxy from the past looks a little different, the idea and story line are going to be somewhat consistent. 

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