What is better than combining Star Wars with Disney characters. There is an artist on deviantART who has some amazing pictures of Disney characters dressed in Star Wars outfits. The artist has found the best choices of Star Wars character outfits for each Disney characters persona. Jasmin looks like her character as if he didn't have to change much in her clothing she was a slave in the movie Aladdin so it fits. Making snow White part of the Sith I am not sure about, it still is a well done piece of art. Elsa kind of fits as Sith. Mulan fits as the bounty hunter, as does Sleeping Beauty in carbonite she does sleep a lot. Having Ariel as the |Jedi works with her underwater colours. Even Rapunzel looks good as a Padawan. There are some other characters I wish I could see from him. Other princesses and Star Wars characters, we shall see if he will come out with more. The Artist's name on deviantART is
pushfighter if you want to check out more of his work. You should click his link anyways to get him more views and bring traffic to his awesome art renditions. I will be following him so I can see more of these when they come out.